Are you wearing the right clothes right now?

Posted by Sally McLaren on

April has been a bit confused weather-wise this year. Some days we are enjoying bright sunshine and warmer temperatures and other days the wind and rain have set in and we're reaching for our chunky knits and cosy boots again. 

Transitioning your wardrobe from winter to spring seems even harder in years like this. Here at Ivy HQ we are SO ready for a bit of sunshine and the long-awaited release of our forearms and shins back into the world, but the weather is so mixed that it is easy to get it completely wrong and be left shivering or perspiring in a poorly chosen outfit halfway through the day. 

With this in mind, we've put together our Top 5 Spring Style Hacks, to help you dress for anything the weather gods throw our way this season.

#1 - The Spring Style First Aid Kit

Grab a tote and pop the following into it:

A) A spare pair of sunnies

B) A warm cardigan in a neutral colour that will go with the majority of colours you have in your wardrobe.

C) A plain, lightweight and loose fitting jacket that you can throw on over any outfit for extra warmth. 

D) An umbrella 

Put the tote in the boot of your car, so it's there to save you when the weather changes dramatically halfway through your day out (just don't forget to put them back in the bag after you've used them).

#2 - Layer Wisely

Wear lightweight, short sleeve tops (such as Maggie, Mabel or Dotty) under warm long sleeve tops, so you are ready strip off that outer layer and enjoy the sunshine on those days that are overcast until lunchtime but sunny and warm all afternoon. 

#3 - Roll up, roll up

Get into the habit of choosing tops with sleeves that can be easily rolled up, so that you can get that lovely spring sunshine on your arms whenever possible.  

#4 - Bring Out The Brights 

By the time March comes around, most of us are ready to welcome spring with open arms, but the weather often doesn't allow us to fully embrace spring fashion until several weeks later. Make even the gloomiest of 'throwback to winter' days feel more jolly by embracing bright colours and bold prints. You can layer these up with winter neutrals for warmth, but putting on a top with a bright stripe, tying a vibrant scarf round your neck or slipping on colourful shoes will cheer you up, whatever the weather. 

#5 - Embrace Buttons and Zips 

Choose a top layer that can be buttoned or zipped up to your chin when it's chilly and half or fully opened when the temperature rises. It's a really simple thing, but it can make such a difference to your enjoyment of a mixed up spring day. 


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