Ivy - Shopify

Posted by Sally McLaren on

When we had finished developing our first range of Ivy t-shirts, it was time to start thinking about the e-commerce store for selling online.  While my blog does 'the business' for writing posts, it doesn't have an e-commerce element so I started asking those that know for any advice.

After quite a bit of reading up, I decided to run with a platform called Shopify. Not only is it easy to get up and running quickly, it’s also provided as a service so Shopify themselves handle all of the security, updates and payment process etc.  This means we can focus on what we know, and trust Shopify for all technical aspects of the website and know that our customers are fully protected and the site is 100% secure.

There was an option to simply add e-commerce to my blog using something called ‘WooCommerce’ but after reading this post, I decided to go for the low maintenance option.

For anyone thinking about setting up a store, I’d definitely recommend it – it’s been easy so far.


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