Ivy - The Launch!

Posted by Sally McLaren on

I am delighted to bring you the launch of Ivy – my new women’s t-shirt brand. At Ivy we have developed a range of essential, everyday t-shirts that offer style, versatility and most importantly comfort, for those wanting quality clothing that suits their bodies and lifestyles.

As a clothing buyer and shopping addict, the perfect woman’s t-shirt has always eluded me. It's such a simple product and should be the foundation of everyone's wardrobe, but no matter where in the world I travel to or the amount of shopping I do, I’ve still never found The One. I decided that if I felt this way then the chances are that other women did too.  

Ivy has been 21 months in the making, whilst also being a full time mum to Maggie. We’re so excited that today is finally launch day, and I can't wait to hear what you all think. Call me crazy, but Ivy also launches just 4 weeks ahead of the arrival of our second baby who is due at the end of December! Two new babies in the space of a month, and a toddler in tow, should make for exciting and busy times!

I'd love for you to follow us on the crazy journey we have ahead of us.






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